In 2006, Prime Minister Harper's government announced the Clean Air Act which was greeted with thunderous silence by Canadians. Canadians want faster action on the environment. Harper shuffled his cabinet and then announced a series of tweaked versions of past-Liberal plans with an important twist; now they would be acted upon.
While this first step in environmental awareness on the part of Harper's government is good news, Canadians should still seriously question Harper's commitment to the environment. For instance, the Canadian Government's official website on Climate Change ( ) was last updated on June 30, 2006 at which time it was made "unavailable." Mr. Harper' commitment to the environment is just not credible.
Not to be outdone, new Liberal leader Stephane Dion suggested that Marc-Yvan Cote be allowed to regain his Liberal Party membership. Why does this matter? Mr. Cote was suspended from the Liberal party for life for distributing $120,000 in $100 bills to 12 Liberal Candidates during the sponsorship scandal. Mr. Dion is not credible on ethics and accountability.
When the next federal election comes about, Canadians would do well to look at the credibility of these two leaders and the parties they represent.