Monday, June 22, 2009

A Media Opportunity

Here's a copy of a letter to the editor I submitted to the Irving big-three papers and the Kings County Record. It is a reply to a seemingly innocuous Telegraph (a friend calls it the Tele-graft) Journal piece. Keep up the struggle.

Saturday’s Telegraph Journal mentions that the NDP’s polling numbers have increased significantly despite the fact that “most people could neither name nor recognize” party leader Roger Duguay (‘Poll has Liberal party trailing Tory rivals’; A2).

The print media in this province could easily rectify this democratic deficiency.

First, provide a profile of Mr. Duguay as he has received minimal media coverage. Second, provide Mr. Duguay and each of the party leaders with a monthly column in which they can explore issues they feel should be important to the public.

If we, as citizens of New Brunswick, are to perform our civic duty and participate in choosing good governments, we need to know where all the parties stand on a variety of issues. Moreover, we need to know our potential leaders. Print media can go a long way to strengthening our democracy by enhancing the public’s ability to make informed choices.

I hope the big three provincial English-language dailies see fit to contribute positively to the democratic process by giving all party leaders a forum for discussion.

Paying More Taxes

Sorry folks. Keeping up with work, e-mails, and 2 blogs (join my Social and Environmental Justice Book Club at keeps me busy. Add a family into the mix, and not everything gets done. I saw Richard Smol's interesting post on the CBC website on "Why I should pay more taxes."

I too recognize the importance of paying taxes to build a functioning civil society. That's why I get so upset when neo-liberal ideologues like the Fraser Institute use the media to spread the notion of "Tax Freedom Day." Here are a few alternative names we could use:

Freedom from Public Healthcare Day
Freedom from Police Force Day
Freedom from Clean Water Day
Freedom from Environmental Regulation and Enforcement Day
Crumbling Bridges Day

Taxes pay for stuff we all use. Blame our governments for investing tax dollars unwisely, ask them to to account for their investments, but don't buy into the simplistic notion that "taxes are bad."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

MP Rob Moore Fights Against Fundy Park Expansion

Hi all;

Sorry to be away for so long.  Catching up on work and my family life.

I saw that Mr. Moore decided to do the un-environmental thing and block expansion of Fundy National Park (  As this Times & Transcript editorial points out, another anti-environmental move to (perhaps) protect some narrow special interest groups similar to his stance on the removal of the Petitcodiac Causeway (

Anyway, here's a letter I sent in as a response.

Keep up the struggle.


As a Fundy Royal constituent, I am all for westward expansion of Fundy National Park.  The boundaries of the park would then contain a complete watershed and, as a province, we would secure a large undeveloped coastal area; something unique on the eastern seaboard.

The expansion of Fundy National Park is a wise move from an ecological standpoint.  From a business perspective, an expanded park further secures one anchor of the Fundy Trail and provides a wonderful opportunity for low-environmental impact tourism (a growing niche market).  Combine the two arguments, and you have a strong long-run economic argument for expansion.

I don’t know exactly who Mr. Rob Moore is listening to, but, from the conversations I have had, I have a very hard time believing that he’s listening to most of us.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NDP Economic Recovery Task Force headed to Fundy Royal!

The Fundy Royal NDP is proud to welcome the NDP Agriculture and Food Security Critic, Alex Atamenenko to the riding on May 22, 2008.

Mr. Atamenenko is the Member of Parliament for British Columbia Southern Interior. He will be discussing issues relating to his Agriculture and Food Safety portfolio, as well as the NDP Task Force on the Economy. The event will take place at 7pm, at the All Season Inn, 1015 Main St., Sussex.
If you are a user of Facebook and wish to confirm your attendance (and invite others), click on this link:

This NDP Task Force event is open to all concerned citizens, so feel free to attend.

We have a Prime Minister and Member of Parliament who don't know what to do in these economic times. You deserve better. And Fundy Royal deserves to be heard.

That's why we are gathering your best ideas to help Canada come out of this recession faster—and stronger.

Unlike Rob Moore and Mr. Harper, ordinary Canadians understand that this crisis is also an opportunity. A chance to remake Canada as a leader in the 21st century global economy. And whether it’s about rethinking manufacturing or clean energy, you have good ideas to make it happen.

The task force needs to hear your best ideas to beat the recession and make Canada stronger!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Coffee House and Concert, Saturday March 21st!

The Fundy Royal NDP are proud to host talented entertainers Heckman and Downes as part of our post-election celebration "Hooray, we finished 2nd!" on March 21st at the Hammond River Angling Association building.

We invite everyone to come out and enjoy an evening of great music and friendship. Details of the event follow:


10 Porter Rd Nauwigewauk, NB (SEE MAP)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forestry Policy is Crony Capitalism

This letter to the editor appeared in four CanadaEast papers last week:

To the editor,

It is very hard to understand the Graham government's position on Crown land management for forestry.

With the way this government pushes for private-public partnerships, one would expect them to design policy that promotes a "purchase-from-private-woodlots-first" agenda for mills, which was the case under Richard Hatfield. Instead, Shawn Graham and the Liberals have decided to take my share (as a tax paying New Brunswicker) of Crown land wood, manage it in ways that seems at odds with a 2007 Federal Government survey ("Public views on forest management in New Brunswick: report from a provincial survey,") and use it to compete against the sale of wood from my woodlot and the private woodlots of a large number of New Brunswickers.

With the plan to decrease conservation areas and increase subsidies for sivilculture on Crown lands (having recently cut these subsidies for private woodlot owners), it is difficult to see the Graham government's plan as anything more than crony capitalism or corporate welfare.

Rob Moir

Clifton Royal

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jack Layton at UNB Fredericton this Monday!

Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton will be visiting Fredericton, New Brunswick this coming Monday, February 16th. The event is hosted by Roger Duguay, leader of the New Brunswick New Democratic Party. The highlight of Mr. Layton's visit will be a public talk at the University of New Brunswick at 7pm in the Kent Auditorium of the Wu Conference Centre.

Mr. Layton's discussion will be focused on Canada's current economic downturn, and what needs to be done in order safe-guard and stimulate Canada's economy.

Event details:

Who: Jack Layton, Roger Duguay
What: An Evening With Jack Layton
Where: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Campus - Wu Conference Centre, Kent Auditorium, 6 Duffie Drive.
When: Monday, February 16, 7pm

The Fundy Royal NDP team encourages all who are interested to take this rare opportunity to share time with a federal party Leader. We hope to see you there.